The NY Times Book Review Weighs in on THE WORLD TO COME

“Before you ship out, before you submerge your submarine or unleash your balloon, cherish every bit of warmth and respite, every gesture of love. The world is coming for you.”

Wind, Waves and Weather: Jim Shepard’s Stories Force Men Out of Their Element


Jim Shepard Goes to Boston

March 1: Harvard Bookstore, Cambridge, MA, 7:00

March 2: Newtonville Books, Newton, MA, 7:00

Outside magazine on Jim Shepard’s A WORLD TO COME

“…no one is better at inhabiting a voice…”

“nearly flawless”

“There’s no topic he can’t handle, and each story in The World to Come is its own sort of joy to read…”

And perhaps my favorite: “There’s nothing more present than death in Jim Shepard’s latest collection of short stories.”



Jim is not the only Shepard

The Romantic Comedy with Aidan Shepard on drums at SXSW.

Jim Shepard Interviewed in Kirkus

“Jim Shepard’s stories show us who we are when the ground shakes,” says the wise and wonderful Vincent Scarpa.


Authorial Mustaches

A Celebration of Authorial Mustaches

Happy Pub Date, Jim Shepard!

It’s official: Jim’s 12th book of fiction is on the stands today. Buy a copy; read some fiction; expand your empathetic imagination.

And, in case you missed these others…

“defies categorization”

“heartbreaking title story”

And the Washington Post Weighs In…

“Outrageously versatile and gifted”–I couldn’t agree more…

The Boston Globe on THE WORLD TO COME

Michael Upchurch’s smart, smart review of Jim Shepard’s The World to Come.

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